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High School Resources

High School Classes and Credits

Ideally, homeschooled high school students should begin to plan their four years of high school classes before their 9th grade year.  Students should decide on high school classes based on their career goals after high school.  Goals may include, immediate entrance into the workforce, military, technical school, junior college, and/or four-year college.  After discussing post-high school graduation goals, it is best to plan classes throughout the four years to meet the admission requirements of their chosen careers or schools.  

The average number of credits for high school graduation is about 24 credits.  1 credit hour = 1 year, 120-180 hours of work, or one semester college class.  0.5 credit = 1 semester and about 60 hours of work.  Homeschool students can achieve their credits anytime throughout the year and parents can decide applicable credits for coursework including homeschool, enrichment, academic, and dual or concurrent enrollment classes.  

What classes should my high schooler take? (google slides)

Homeschool High School Credit Planning (



Transcripts show the course work and classes high school students completed over the course of their four years (9th-12th grade).  They are good to create for all homeschooled high school students, no matter what pathway they will choose after graduation.  Transcripts should be one page and very easy to view.  They may also include attachments which show course descriptions, test scores, other grade reports from public institutions, and/or extracurricular activities.  Keep transcripts as short and concise as possible so others viewing them can get a quick snapshot of your student.

How do I create transcripts? (google slides) Blank Transcript Form

HSLDA Free Homeschool Transcript Form


PSAT/SAT/ACT Testing and GED:

Does my student need to take the PSAT, SAT, or ACT test?  This all depends on the pathway your student is choosing after high school.  If your student is choosing to immediately start a career, attend a technical or Junior College, then they may NOT need to take any of these tests.  If your student wants to attend a 4-year college right after high school, then the test(s) may or may not be required.  Parents and students should research the admission requirements for the specific careers, schools, or college(s) they are considering.  Please refer to the article from the Homeschool Legal Defense Alliance (HSLDA) for more information: HSLDA College Entrance Exams

College Board-SAT Test Registration and Test Locations

ACT Test Registration and Test Locations

Does my homeschool student need to receive a GED (General Education Degree)?  The answer is NO!  Homeschool students can show completion of high school requirements with high school transcripts and a diploma issued by their teacher of record, often their parents.  A GED is also not needed by a homeschooled high schooler to join the military.  

Does my homeschooler need a GED?



If you are a homeschool family that follows "Option 1" to homeschool in CO, parents are the teacher of record.  Therefore, no other organization, including D49, will provide a diploma or high school completion certificate.  If you follow "Option 2" and homeschool under an accredited umbrella school, they may provide transcripts and a final diploma or completion certificate.

Parents may create and order a diploma for their students from multiple online resources (see below) in addition to a transcript.  A diploma and complete transcript can document student work and completion of high school.  However, families should always research needed documents and testing requirements for admission into colleges, technical schools, and other career paths.  Different schools and organizations can require additional placement testing and/or classes for admission, in addition to parent-generated diplomas and transcripts.   

Homeschool Diploma

Graduation Source


Homeschool High School Resources

Homeschooling High School (

HSLDA Homeschooling in High School

The Home Scholar: Helping Parents Homeschool High School

Christian Home Educators of Colorado: Homeschooling High School


Kassi Nemeth